ARRIMA: Invitations are starting, submit your application NOW
Its official, after being on hold for almost a year, the Quebec Skilled Workers Program is finally set to open again under the ARRIMA portal. Quebec Immigration has announced that the first invitations in the ARRIMA portal will begin as early as July 2019.

Which applications will be selected first?
First Invitations will be sent to the following applicants:
1. Applicants who applied for a CSQ under Mon Projet and declared living in Quebec at the time of the submission of the application.
2. Applications who applied for a CSQ under Mon Projet and are living in Quebec today.
3. Applicants who have a validated job offer in Quebec.
It is not clear yet in which order applications will be sent out, but we know that those are the current priorities of Immigration Quebec until January 2020.
How to transfer my application from Mon Projet to Arrima?
If you already had a Mon Projet application and you would like your file to keep being processed, you have to create and ARRIMA account. This is a very simple process, you will need the following :
The same email you used for your Mon Projet application
Your individual reference number
Once you have the email and the individual reference number, you can easily create a new account under ARRIMA and link your accounts.
How fast will I obtain a CSQ?
According to Immigration Quebec, applicants who are invited under the ARRIMA portal will obtain a CSQ within an approximate time frame of 6 months.
How to get a validated job offer?
If you didn't submit an application under Mon Projet Québec but are currently working or studying in Quebec, you should consider applying for a validated job offer to ensure that you are part of the first wave of selected applicants.
The validated job offer is a separate application in which your employer will have to show that they would like to extend a permanent job offer to you and show their financial capability to do so.
It is also possible for applicants who do not have a job yet to request their future employer to apply for a validated job offer.
We explain the validated job offer application in detail here.